Sunday, February 15, 2009

ah HAH!!

Some days I just get the urge to grab my camera and go. There's usually no real objective in mind other than to get going and see what the becomes apparently clear in my view finder. Sometimes I don't even bother taking the camera out of the bag, and then there are other times I used to just load up a roll of film and shoot.
A roll or two later, I find myself out of film and just head to the lab to see what happens. Then there are the days when it becomes apparent what I was supposed to shoot.
Some divine moment when all becomes very very clear. Its what I call a AH HAH! moment. This photograph was one of those days, or one of those moments. It happened along the Gnatcho Trail in Windsor Ontario's East end.
Now I have walked through this park hundreds and hundreds of times. Alot of those times I was dragged through the park by a hundred and ten pound bloodhound. So I really couldn't stop and 'smell the roses'. This time I found exactly what I was supposed to shoot.
A couple of years later, I got around to getting this particular photograph enlarged, matted and framed to hang on the wall of my home. That particular day became one of the most difficult days of my life. A day that my whole world ground to a halt. The day that my dear mother passed away.
I picked up the enlargment of this photograph and looked at it. My hands shook as I realized the symbolism behind it all. It was the meaning of my mother's life. How she gave to all, how she touched so many people in life. How she was there for so many people and was someone that anybody could count on, even when the chips were down.
If there is one way and one way only to honour my mother, its to be half as good in dealing with people, that she was. I love you mom. May God Bless your soul, as he has blessed me with being your son.

1 comment:

noonebutme said...

Heya David,

We all miss Gloria. She left us way too soon. I guess she had to go make sure dad was keeping his nose clean :)
